Monday, December 12, 2011

just dance.

The most inspiring dancer I know: Collin Malaney
Your song comes on, your hips start to move with no coercion. The question goes through your mind, should I let loose & dance or play it cool? There are a few circumstances were the rug should be left uncut, but this isn't it, you should dance. 

My friend told me a story about an older gentleman who decided the first thing he would do every morning was dance. If that man was anything like the rest of us, he probably had mornings that dancing was the last thing he wanted to do. But if we let days like that steamroll us, we will always live life with a sullen disposition. Instead, why not meet the day with a few good hip shakes and a shimmy or two? 

Dance because there is a song that won't let you sit still, dance because you have a body to move and a life to celebrate, dance when no one is watching and when everyone is watching. Just dance. 

If you need some help greasing your hips and an oldie does it for you check this out, for top-40 click here, or if you like musicals this might be more your flavor. 

You may be alone in your room, busting a move when lo and behold your roommate bursts in. Is this the moment to freeze and in utter embarrassment mutter something about trying to shake a cracker out of your shirt? No! This is not the safety dance, we are not leaving our friends behind. Turn the music up and just remind them: friends don't let friends dance alone. 


  1. So does this mean you're integrating dancing into your morning routine? I think committing starting every morning with a dance for a year would be a fun New Years resolution.

  2. :) It is a new development, but I do like to mix up the morning routine with a dance every now and again. I think that would be a great New Years resolution Molly!!

  3. LOVE this, Kel-dog.
    Dance party in the lab, starting now. Oh yes :)

  4. Awesome! :) ... for fans of the 90s and Michael Jordan, highly recommended:
